What is stress?
Stress is a state of hyper arousal in the physiology of the dog. This causes an increase in the blood pressure, heart rate and stress hormones that put the dog in a state of constant "fight and flight".
This hyper arousal is a normal response to a stress stimuluss in every mammal. However if it becomes the base level physiological state then it can become detromental to the emotional, physical and phsychological well being of the dog.
Dogs that are left in a constant state of stress often develop behavioural problems.
Common signs
• Hyperactive behaviour
• Being overly alert all the time
• None stop eye contact with you
• Excessive panting even when it is not hot or exercising
• Glaring eyes with lots of white showing
• Excessive salavating
• Inability to sleep, relax, or switch off
• Obsessional behaviour
• Chasing and barking at birds, lights, cars, fence running
• Constantly on guard, always watching out
• Excessive digging
• Excessive chewing of toys, furniture, walls
• Excessive licking paws, legs, walls
• Howling, whining and barking when left alone
How to deal with stress
Many of the above actions are either stress releases for the dog and can become obsessions. Without help a dog is often unable to break the behaviour pattern on its own.
Stress is expressed in a range of ways. There are a whole range of signs of stress that people often overlook. Stress just like with humans is never enjoyable and makes everything in life unpleasant.
Remember your dog cannot speak. If it could it would tell….."sure I would love not to have to chase every bird that flies into the garden…..or watch and follow you 24/7….or lick my paws endlessly but you know what……I can't stop it!!"
Once we have worked together you will end up with a different, far happier and more relaxed dog.
Dont ignore the signs
Sometimes we are unaware of a dog that is showing signs of stress.
Some people mistakenly think their dog has a physical ailment, such as scratching, itching, licking itself.
Many people just get used to their dogs strange behaviour and see it as normal or an odd quirk.
We use the excuse of it being in the genes or because of the breed when it is not.
However we see it – stress is something that can be removed far more easily than people realise.
To find out more visit the home consultation page.