Here is a picture of the new Tyke and our new home!
As I have told you I am now 77 years old and fulfilling a dream.
As an old bugger heading off on a sailing boat with my dog, German Shepherd x Huntaway cross, 20 months old, so it was crucial that I had a really adequate degree of control of my dog "Ty" short for tyke! Also I needed him to be happy and contented with just my company for long periods yet remain willing to be friendly toward strangers approved by me.
I didnt know if I need a dog trainer, behaviourist or consultant and I doubted you could do it!
I was just so wrong eh Dan?
Issues such as:
• Knowing when to be “On Guard” and when to be quiet.
• To leave the boat, only on command.
• To empty his tummy only on the duckboard and to let me know when he wanted to or had.
• To accept the wearing of both life jacket and “Dog” overboard indicator when required.
• As well as be a great buddy – happy, fearless, well balanced and fully contented.
After some sound advice from you Mr. Doggy Dan he is now over 80% there. The full trial of your magic will be revealed shortly, when we move onboard for the first time. However, around the home all signs are bright green!
What can I say…Dan! Thanks! You truly are a Prince among men. Thanks seem so inadequate.
If you can use this as a credential Dan, I really would tell the World “don't hesitate to call Dan and to completely and I mean completely trust in and implement everything in full"
“Half pie measures will make your dog a half pie dog and a confused one at that!!!”
You will recall that I clung to a bit of “humanising” instead of caninising Ty, and that only caused him confusion. Once I played “Sam” says with him and he ate when Sam says and he played when Sam says and he guarded the home when Sam says etc. he really became a dog owners dream. I cannot emphasise enough to anyone the importance of really understanding a dog’s perspective on life.
It is a wonderful dog training method once the concept is grasped; it is with amazingly fast and easy to maintain results and it gives you a relaxed obedient and fully contented happy dog admired by all.
Thanks Heaps dog trainer Dan
Oh! I shall keep you up to date as we progress to the boat. It is only 36ft long so it will be most interesting.
Never underestimate your dog's ability! Visit the home consultation page to find out more.