Bertie the Dog's life is saved
Dog Barking, Aggresive, pulling on lead, jumping up, no recall.
Bertimus is a Bull Mastiff, Staffy, Boxer, Englishbull Terrier, Pitbull cross. My father and I breed him and his sister 6 years ago and Bertie became my Dad's best mate, going everywhere together. Bertie has never been very good with commands etc but has always been a real happy, friendly dog, even around children.
When we moved from northland to the North Shore 4 and a half years ago, Bertie couldn't understand why his 200 acres had shrunk to so many square meters and was always jumping the fence and running down the road. He would not come back when he was called so he started his new life on a chain with walks at night on a lead, or a run in the paddock, where our horses were grazed, tied to a tyre. It was sad to see him this way. In September 2008, my dad, myself, Bertie and his sister Marilyn moved to Pakiri Beach where Bert still continued to run away. But we were able to run him out the window of the car down the beach each night which he loved.
Then in May 2009, 50 metres from where Bertie was lying in the sun, my Dad had a heart attack and died.
This affected Bertimus greatly. From that day his world spun out of control, he had lost his master, his leader, his best friend. He started barking all the time, he was very aggresive towards men, I couldnt walk him as he was too strong, he would jump on you and there was no way in hell he was going to come when I called.
I persevered with him until January 2010, when I had to make the hardest decision of my life. Bert had become a lot worse and I was scared of what he might do should he ever get away from me. I rang the Vet on the morning of the 27th Jan to have him put to sleep.
"It was all arranged that at 11.25am I was to take Bertimus in to the vets be put to sleep".
As Mum and myself were getting ready to load my buddy Bert into the car, I broke down in tears, I couldn't do it, he was my dads, he was my mate! I had lost so much already, I couldn't give up on him. I didn't know what I was going to do or who could help me, but I wasn't given up on my mate. I remembered seeing an ad in the local phone book for a dog trainer so I grabbed the book, found the number and rang Doggy Dan (still in tears I might add).
It was all arranged, Doggy Dan would be out to help me ASAP, he was Berties last hope. When Dan met Bertimus I was so worried Bert might attack him, but he just laid down at Dan's feet. It was amazing. Dan worked with me and Bert for a bit and with My mum and her dog Marilyn as well.
We did a bit of human training in the lawn before we ventured out to the paddocks. Once in the paddock, Dan let Bert go on a long lead. Bert just ran and ran. He looked so happy. For the first time in 4 years he was free and able to play with Marilyn. There was nothing stopping Bert from running away, he just wanted to stay with us. I had become the leader and he no longer felt stressed. Dan also helped Mum with Marilyn, who is very excitable and is always in your space wanting you to play ball. Marilyn is now a lot calmer now and knows when its time for balls and when its not.
3 months later, Bertimus no longer needs a lead of any type. He comes every time when you call him, he's stopped Barking, he's no longer aggressive, doesn't pull on the lead, doesn't jump and best of all………… My buddy is free!
Bertimus would not be here today if it wasn't for Doggy Dan, his training of humans saved Bertie's life and my Mum and myself are so very greatful.
I truly did not think anyone could change a 6 year old entire dog, but Dan proved me wrong. We now have two beautiful dogs that respect us as the leaders.
Thank you Dan, I don't know what else more I can say.
Kaitlin and Bertimus, Gaylene and Marilyn
Taupaki – Auckland
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