Buying a puppy
Thinking of getting a puppy for Christmas?…………or wishing you hadn’t!
Remember they all start out so cute, cuddly and friendly its later that the problems start to occur! The good news is that it’s not down to luck or the breed. Your puppy’s development is in your hands. Give it the correct message and you will end up with a dog that looks to you to make all the decisions. It will see you as a wonderful person it can trust with everything big or small.
Get those messages wrong and before you know it that little dog is making decisions of its own! As a fully qualified Dog trainer I have dealt with everything from barking, biting, aggression, fear, phobias, obedience issues and every problem always comes back to the question of leadership. Ask yourself who is making the decisions. You or the dog……. ? If it’s the dog then you’ll run into trouble!
Changing its behavior isn’t hard when you use signals that it understands. Communicating to the dog that You make all the decisions and there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Only when that is established can you then go on to changing its behavior. No need for citronella sprays and electric collars. In fact no need for any aggression or fear at all. Older dogs are no different -happy to change their behavior when they are shown a better way.
So if you are thinking of getting a puppy, make sure you get it right from the start, prevention really is better than cure! If you running into problems then don’t despair, dogs are amazing at changing their behavior as soon as we change ours.
Remember: Prevention is better than cure.
Find out more on the puppy training page.