Why am I writing an independent review for Doggy Dan and The Online Dog Trainer? Well, I believe that you have to pay good fortune forward, and give credit where it’s due.
The results of Doggy Dan’s training on my German Shepherd, Murf, have been nothing short of astonishing. So I believe it’s my duty to help other dog owners know what the truth really is…
Here’s my honest “Doggy Dan and The Online Dog Trainer” review, which I have given Dan permission to publish on his site.
Table of Contents
- Doggy Dan Review: My Story And Feedback After His Training
- The Online Dog Trainer Review From a Sceptic-Turned-Believer
- Firstly, Is Doggy Dan Legit? Why Should You Trust Him?
- Doggy Dan’s Methods: Questioned & Reviewed
- Action Speaks Louder Than Words
- Accessing The Online Dog Trainer Review: Key Program Components
- Reviewing Doggy Dan’s Core Philosophy And His 5 Golden Rules Of The Dog Calming Code
- Rule 1: Feeding
- Rule 2: Danger
- Rule 3: After Separation
- Rule 4: Your Terms
- Rule 5: The Walk
- The Complete Pack: Modules, Training Videos & Resources
- Unpacking the Complete Pack: A Review Of The Whole Program
- The Dog Calming Code
- Everyday Tools & Techniques
- Perfect Puppy Program
- Project Moses Puppy Video Diary
- All Dog Problems Solved
- Doggy Dan’s Dog Training 101
- The 10 Problem/Solution Behavior-Specific Training Bundles Reviewed
- Solve Reactivity & Aggression
- Master The Walk
- Quit Jumping Up
- Stop Separation Anxiety
- Biting, Nipping & Chewing
- Won’t Come Or listen
- Excessive Barking Be Gone
- Fearful or Hyperactive Dogs
- Potty Training Troubles
- New Puppy Nightmares
- Community Forum & Personalized Support
- How Much Does Doggy Dan’s Training Cost?
- Is Doggy Dan The Real Deal? A Review Of His Dog Training Qualifications And Experience
- Doggy Dan’s Qualifications and Training Experience
- The Online Dog Trainer Review Final Thoughts: My Experience with Murf
- FAQs
Doggy Dan Review: My Story And Feedback After His Training
I was first introduced to Doggy Dan online while searching for some help with my German Shepherd’s reactivity. I’ve had dogs all my life, with varying degrees of success, but when Murf turned about 2 years old, he really started challenging me.
I had given up trying to take him for walks because he would try to attack every other dog and even people. I’m nearing my senior years, and my strength couldn’t match Murf’s pulling and aggressive lunging.
A few of Doggy Dan’s tips on YouTube made sense to me, and his approach seemed a bit different to the other three trainers I had already tried. By now I had spent over $4,000 on trainers, without any success, so I was HIGHLY skeptical and at my absolute wits end.

Doggy Dan’s profile on YouTube
What I liked most about Doggy Dan in particular, was he was against using shock collars or any kind of gadget that caused pain to the dogs. And after trying endlessly with food and special packs of ‘training treats’ nothing was working, and it felt like all I was doing was constantly bribing my dog with treats—this is another point that Doggy Dan made which resonated with me, his method didn’t use constant food bribes.
And I must point out that all the other trainers recommended using treats, treats, treats and more treats, and then a shock collar and prong collar on the walk.
While I was researching other online training methods, like K9Institute, Spiritdog and BrainGames, and others, something terrible happened…
Murf bit (nipped) somebody on the leg while we were out walking.
We had resorted to late night walking in an effort to avoid any other dogs and owners. Suddenly a woman appeared from her gate and startled Murf, and he lunged and snapped.

My German Shepherd dog’s (bite) nip
It wasn’t a bad bite. Didn’t puncture the skin, but there was plenty of screaming, anger and cursing.
She agreed not to pursue anything ‘legal,’ but I was now at my wits end. I couldn’t take him out any longer, and none of the trainers would help me any further. Pressure from my family to get rid of him was also mounting.
In desperation I saw a video on Facebook for Doggy Dan’s Solve Reactivity web class, so I signed up for FREE and attended.
Now let me just say that again…it cost me NOTHING. It was 100% FREE to get to know this trainer, and learn his entire method. In one hour I received more understanding of Murf’s problem and how to solve it than I did from the 3 hour-long sessions of each of the 3 other trainers!
I couldn’t believe it, really…I had struck gold—because I could see that this would work for Murf.
At the end of the free webinar I signed up for Dan’s full program, knowing I would need a bit more help with Murf, and began immediately putting it in place.
The beauty of it is I didn’t have to do any ‘additional training’. The principles involve me changing the way I do things with Murf, rather than trying to force Murf to change and do what I want.
This is what blew me away…all I did was change the way I fed my boy, changed the way I responded to his barking, changed the way I came home to greet him, and changed the way I walked him. So really, I haven’t done any ‘training’ with him, just adjusted the ways I was already interacting with him…
Ready for it…?
- Within ONE day, I saw a change in my dog’s attitude towards me and other stimuli.
- A week later, we were able to get back on our daily walks to the beach, during daylight hours.
The transformation has literally saved him from being rehomed (which I believe would have been the end of his life).
If you have a similar story, or you’re looking for more understanding of your dog to improve your relationship, then please read on…
The Online Dog Trainer Review From a Sceptic-Turned-Believer

The Online Dog Trainer: review of website
The Online Dog Trainer by Doggy Dan is a comprehensive, accessible online program that has earned a reputation as one of the most trusted and widely-used resources for dog training. I believe it’s built on proven, positive methods that help owners understand their dogs and develop a better relationship based on respect and communication.
I hope with my detailed review I can provide you with a detailed breakdown of who Doggy Dan is and what you can expect from the program, as well as my personal experience using it with my German Shepherd, Murf!
I might add as well that I am 68 years old, and not terribly computer savvy. Anything to do with computers is somewhat challenging for me. Yet I found this an enjoyable experience and wasn’t overwhelmed with any technical issues.
Firstly, Is Doggy Dan Legit? Why Should You Trust Him?

Is Doggy Dan legit?
I’ve done some research, and actually spoken with Doggy Dan inside his program, so I have a deeper understanding than most, which I’ll share:
Doggy Dan, in my opinion, is a passionate dog trainer whose unique approach transformed my rowdy German Shepherd, Murf, from a reactive mess into a calm, confident companion.
Originally from Newcastle, UK, Dan moved to New Zealand in 2000, and since 2009, he’s fully dedicated himself to the art of dog training.
After leaving the corporate world, he sought a training philosophy that didn’t rely on the two popular methods of dog training: harsh correction-based methods and food-centric, positive reinforcement alone.
His answer? A method that draws on the principles of “Amichien Bonding,” a system he discovered through Jan Fennell. Just as horse expert Monty Roberts teaches people to communicate with horses in their own “language,” Jan and Dan aimed to do the same with dogs.
This meant focusing on dog psychology—understanding dogs’ instincts, emotions, and motivations rather than just conditioning them with treats or coercion. Over the years, Dan has refined this into his own “Dog Calming Code,” a set of five core rules that help build trust and calmness in dogs by “winning their mind” before managing behavior.
Doggy Dan’s Methods: Questioned & Reviewed
Doggy Dan’s fresh approach to dog training has sparked its share of criticism online. Some detractors insist that his methods have been “debunked.” Personally, I didn’t pay much attention to the noise—I wanted to try it myself and form my own opinion. But for anyone interested in a fair review, it’s worth addressing this online backlash.
As with any successful person, Doggy Dan has competitors, and the online training world can be especially cutthroat. In fact, I noticed how frequently the internet circulates “Doggy Dan Review” headlines that end up diverting readers toward competing trainers’ programs.
According to Dan, there’s been “misrepresentation of the facts, twists of truth, and outright untruths” about his methods, often from those pushing alternative training products. Some critics even recommend shock collars over his approach—a practice Dan finds both troubling and disappointing.
In these critiques, you’ll often see words like “dominant,” “alpha,” “old-fashioned,” or “cruel” tossed around to dismiss Dan’s techniques. Dan, however, views “alpha” as simply meaning a calm, trustworthy leader—someone in charge to benefit the whole pack, not a figure who relies on fear or force. He argues that his methods align with today’s insights on animal behavior far more than with outdated, punitive techniques.
If you want to explore this further, please read his post debunking the myth that dog-leadership principles are outdated, or watch the video below to hear it in his own words.
Action Speaks Louder Than Words
I say let the critics throw around their opinions, but let’s also see what the facts are. Are there any results that can be compared? Let’s see what Dan has achieved first…
With more than 3,500 dogs personally trained and over 100,000 clients through his Online Dog Trainer program, Doggy Dan’s commitment to kind and gentle methods is apparent in his success rate.
His methods emphasize calm leadership and respect, making training a positive, stress-free experience for both dogs and their humans.
Through this approach, he’s developed a reputation as one of New Zealand’s leading dog behavior experts, appearing on national TV, in magazines, and even as a judge on the hit TV Show Dog Almighty.
My challenge to all the nay-sayers, is where is your proof that your method works any better? Let me remind you that three traditional dog trainers tried with Murf, to no avail.
I encourage you to give it a try, or at least listen to some of Doggy Dan’s principles, and make up your own mind.

Doggy Dan qualifications and experience
Accessing The Online Dog Trainer Review: Key Program Components
Right, let’s get on with the review!
So, after registration, I got instant access to Doggy Dan’s membership website, called The Online Dog Trainer.
The first thing I landed on was a Welcome and Onboarding sequence from Dan. He treated me with an introduction video, welcoming me and letting me know what to expect, and a basic outline of the course and how to use it.
I then went on to input some of my details, like the age of my dog, the problems I was experiencing etc, and I believe my account was then created to reflect those inputs. At this point I knew this was something special, as the whole membership was personalized for me.

The Online Dog Trainer 5 Rules — Membership Dashboard
Once I cleared the onboarding, I landed on my Dashboard, where I could see the courses I had access to and the achievements I could gain through engaging with the courses.
It also showed my user level, ranging from ‘Good Dog’ to ‘Great Dog’, to ‘Celebrity Dog’, ‘Champion Dog’ and right up to ‘The ‘Lassie’ of Dogs’. I liked that there was a level of playfulness, and even though I wasn’t quite sure how these levels worked, I was ready to get stuck in, and see how it all panned out.
Another feature I noticed, but didn’t follow up on too much was the ‘Doggy Dollars’. Over time I learned that everything I did on the site, from taking new courses, completing them, logging in, asking questions—every interaction I made—was being tallied up as points and moving me up through the Levels, and adding to my wallet of Doggy Dollars. These Dollars could then be redeemed to unlock further content. What fun!
But I needed urgent help with Murf, so after my first login, I got stuck in.
The first course I was able to take was The Dog Calming Code. And through this course I learned that The Online Dog Trainer’s philosophy centers around dog psychology and understanding a dog’s natural instincts, with training rooted in a science-based approach. It’s about learning how a dog thinks and learning how to live in balance with your dog.

The Dog Calming Code by Doggy Dan, reviewed
There are “5 Rules” to the foundational program, the Dog Calming Code, which emphasize calm leadership, confidence, and clear boundaries, rather than outdated dominance tactics. These rules include:
- Rule 1: Feeding – Food means EVERYTHING to your dog, and whoever eats first and controls the food becomes leadership worthy.
- Rule 2: Danger – All dogs can alert the home to danger, but the leader determines whether it is a threat or not.
- Rule 3: After Separation – dogs will always check to see who’s in charge after every separation, no matter how short.
- Rule 4: Your Terms – your attention and affection is currency, make sure you give it on your terms.
- Rule 5: The Walk – the walk is lost or saved before you even leave the house.
The program’s emphasis on the science behind dog behavior helped me as a pet owner not only teach commands but truly understand my dog’s motivations, so the training became smoother, safer, and more enjoyable for both of us.
(EDIT: Doggy Dan has let me link to some of his posts and videos on each of the 5 Rules so I can better explain to you what each of the 5 Rules means).
Reviewing Doggy Dan’s Core Philosophy And His 5 Golden Rules Of The Dog Calming Code
Let me break down the rules a little more for you…
Rule 1: Feeding
Your dog has to know that you control the food and everything that comes with eating: mealtimes, scraps, eating habits. Food is HUGE for dogs, and the one who controls the food is the one who is in charge.
- Food has a direct influence on your dog’s behavior and we have to get this bit right before our dog’s will start listening and obeying us.
- When you put the Five Golden Rules in place, your dog will start to acknowledge you as the leader, and they can start to relax.
- Dogs collect, hide and bury food to keep their control of the food. If they know where even one bone is hidden, they will still think they have the control.
- RULE 1: The Doggy Dan Five Golden Rules: Food Training For Dogs is Rule #1
Rule 2: Danger
A dominant dog who thinks they’re in charge will always call out danger (thus the barking!). Rule #2 is about helping you become that calm, confident, CAPABLE leader who knows how to say to dogs “I am the one in charge here, so I take care of danger.”
- Dogs are naturally protective because for them, all that matters is their survival and the pack’s.
- Rule #2 focuses on helping dog owners communicate to their dogs “I am in charge, I will decide how to react, I deal with danger, you can relax.”
- Saying “Thank You!” is one of the ways to make dogs understand that YOU are in charge with danger, not them.
- RULE 2: How to Stop Dog Barking with Doggy Dan Golden Rule #2: Dealing with Danger
Rule 3: After Separation
After separation, your dog will challenge your leadership by going to you. This rule teaches dog owners the power of delaying acknowledgement to establish leadership, just like leader of the pack would.
- In the eyes of your dog, observing Rule Number Three is important in gaining their respect and love.
- Even though our dogs have now become domesticated, they are still trying to test our leadership after every separation. It’s hard-wired into their genes.
- Not giving attention immediately after separation can be a powerful way of shifting leadership from your dog to you.
- RULE 3: Doggy Dan Five Golden Rules: Rule #3 is Delaying Acknowledgement
Rule 4: Your Terms
Your dog has to see this: all the decisions come from you. They’re not the one in charge, so they absolutely just have to chill and hand all the decision making to you.
- The dog who feels they can invade and control your space will be very protective of you because they feel that they’re in charge. This is where behavior issues come in.
- Doing EVERYTHING ON YOUR TERMS helps establish that you’re in charge, and you’re the one calling the shots.
- Rule Number Four encourages dog owners to be the ULTIMATE decision makers for everything that involves their dogs. From feeding, to affection, to leisure, exercise — everything should be your call!
- RULE 4: What Are The 5 Golden Rules of Dog Training: Rule #4 On Your Terms
Rule 5: The Walk
Controlling dog reactivity and aggression should not just stop at home. Even while you are outdoors, your dog has to know you’re in charge. This keeps them from challenging other dogs because they know it’s you who is the leader. Rule #5 makes this possible.
- Walking your dog gives you an opportunity to show to your dog that you’re in charge… even outdoors!
- If you want a calmer, less aggressive dog the most important thing to do is to show your dog that you’re in charge of the walk.
- For Doggy Dan Rule #5 — How to walk your dog — to work, you need to put the first four rules in place.
- RULE 5: How to Walk Your Dog: Doggy Dan Golden Rule #5
Some of these ideas seemed pretty strange at first—they were totally different from what I’d learned about dog training, and nothing like what any other trainer had recommended. Naturally, I was skeptical.
But once I tried these simple adjustments, guided by Dan’s videos, the changes in Murf were astounding. I didn’t even have to find extra time to implement them; I just altered the way I interacted with him in our everyday routines.
Murf responded almost immediately—like he’d been waiting for me to finally understand. He just looked at me, tilted his head, and seemed to say, “Finally…you’re in charge, and I can relax now.” For a few weeks afterward, whenever I called him over, he’d come, give me a little lick on the back of my hand, almost like he was saying, “Thank you.”
I had tons of questions at first, especially while watching Dan’s videos explaining each of the Five Rules. But then he showed exactly how to apply each one, demonstrating in various environments, with all sorts of dogs and real-life family situations.
That’s what made it so relatable. Dan doesn’t just train his own dogs in the videos—he brings us along into other people’s homes, with different dogs and unique problems, showing how it all works in the real world.
The Complete Pack: Modules, Training Videos & Resources
Once I got through the Dog Calming Code I was able to explore the rest of the site. Doggy Dan makes you go through the foundational course first before you can start working on any other specific dog behavior problems. I think this is smart, and obviously doing it this way produces the best results.
Dan explained it to me like this: “The Dog Calming Code is like a cake. It is the foundation you have to have in place first. Only after that has been implemented can you start to add the icing (frosting), which is what I call the specific training.”
So after I completed the “cake”, I wanted to get stuck into one of his “Problem/Solution” courses, to top up with the physical “training”. And “Solve Reactivity and Aggression” was my first stop.
I must point out that Dan makes it extremely affordable to enter his program. You can purchase access to only the Dog Calming Code, or you can get one of his many bundles that they promote through the webinars, which is what I initially bought. And then on checkout he presented a further discount on his entire collection of courses, called the Complete Pack, which I took. I’ll discuss the costs later, but first I need to unpack the Complete Pack for you to see just how comprehensive his whole program is.
Unpacking the Complete Pack: A Review Of The Whole Program
Doggy Dan’s overall program, called the Complete Pack, offers over 300 step-by-step videos. These include everything from basic obedience to complex behavioral training, from bringing home an 8 week old puppy to solving senior dog issues.
The Complete Pack is made up of 6 core libraries of video lessons:
- The Dog Calming Code
- Everyday Tools & Techniques
- Perfect Puppy Program
- Project Moses Puppy Video Diary
- All Dog Problems Solved
- Doggy Dan’s Dog Training 101

The Online Dog Trainer Complete Pack, reviewed
The courses are packed full of videos demonstrating training techniques for puppies, adult dogs, and even senior pets. I found the clear, real-time explanations very useful, and Murf responded quickly to many of the obedience exercises outlined here!
Let’s look at each of these sections in more detail:
The Dog Calming Code
Dan’s foundational course based on understanding your dog’s psychology. These are the 5 rules you must implement everyday with your dog to switch them from thinking they are in-charge of running the show, to seeing you as their loving leader. This is the ‘cake’, and all the rest is the ‘frosting’.
There are 22 videos along with some audio, articles, and PDFs are included in the Dog Calming Code section. All of these are outlined in a manner that is super easy for you to understand.
I covered off each of the 5 Rules is detail earlier on, but here’s a shortened list of some of the content with this course:
- Cracking the Code: Establishing Leadership
- Rule No.1 – The Food
- Rule No.2 – Danger
- Rule No.3 – Separation
- Rule No.4 – Your Terms
- Rule No.5 – The Walk
- Recap: Leadership and the 5 Golden Rules
- Bonuses: Print 5GRs
Everyday Tools & Techniques
These are the training ideas and techniques that Doggy Dan uses everyday while training his client’s dogs. They’re quick concepts, and short tips that provide plenty of the ‘frosting’. They range from practical training methods like long and short line training, the stick trick, the calm freeze, to managing energy levels and taking things step-by-step.
This was a great section, as some of the tools focused on force-free techniques instead of punishments. There’s a total of 18 Videos with some articles and PDFs here.
Perfect Puppy Program
If you have a new puppy, everything is covered off, from how to set up your home before they arrive, to what food is dangerous, what crate to use, puppy schedules and basic command training etc.
This section includes 18 videos and covers everything that you need to know about puppy training.
Project Moses Puppy Video Diary
Moses is Dan’s young Huntaway Cross pup who came home with him at 8 weeks of age. Up until his first birthday, Dan made countless videos of what to expect at each stage of your new puppy’s life. They’re arranged chronologically from 8 weeks to 1 year to help you see what happens at what age and how to manage every new challenge.
Watching how he tackles each stage, from teething to early independence, provides helpful insights on how to approach each stage of your own dog’s development. I think there are over 68 videos in this! It’s remarkable how much Dan cares and wants to share his knowledge and love for dogs.
All Dog Problems Solved
By far the largest section of the site, Doggy Dan covers about 34 of the most common dog problems, with videos of him working in real-life situations with different dogs in different situations. Every issue you may encounter during the life of your dog is covered off…from aggression in the home, to leash pulling on the walk, to jumping up on visitors, barking around the property, to excessive digging…and even eating poop!
He uses various science-based techniques in this section and gives a ton of actionable advice.
Doggy Dan’s Dog Training 101
Once you’ve solved your dog behavioral issues, there’s still so much to learn about living with your dog. Like training them with all the advanced commands that make you look like a pro, teaching them how to play fetch, to always setting your dog up to win, and so much more.
This section with 41 videos covers some pretty valuable information that I doubt you will find in any other dog training programs online. Like seriously, what other dog trainers are teaching you how to train your dog to swim?
The 10 Problem/Solution Behavior-Specific Training Bundles Reviewed
Dog problem/solution courses reviewed
What’s also included in the Complete Pack are the 10 training bundles for solving specific problems. These are like mini-courses where Doggy Dan has taken a collection of videos from his Complete Pack library and bundled them together to help you powerfully target the toughest issues.
The most popular dog training problem, according to the research Doggy Dan has done with over 100,000 customers is “Dog Reactivity”. Which is exactly how I’d describe Murf’s behavior on our walks. This course was an absolute game-changer for us.
These are the 10 customized bundle-courses you also get inside the Complete Pack:
1. Solve Reactivity & Aggression
Calming down dogs that react to people, objects or other animals, on the walk or in the home (as I mentioned, this was super powerful in Murf’s transformation). Here’s just a few of the topics you can expect:
- Dogs Living Together
- People Aggression
- Aggression Towards Animals
- Aggression Towards Objects
- The Long Line
- Energy Meter
- The Calm Freeze
- Dog Aggression On The walk
- Dog Aggression Case Study – Cruz
- Using A Muzzle
2. Master The Walk
All the tips, tricks and techniques to help you make walks in the park a walk in the park! Look out for all these lessons:
- Mastering the Walk: Introducing Juniper
- Calm Tips Before Leaving The House
- Training Your Puppy On The Leash
- Walking By Your Side Without A Leash (Part 1,2,3)
- Pulling On The Leash
- The 1 Yard Walk
- The Doughnut
- Twinkle Toes Technique
- Walk Tall
- Walking Off Leash
- Letting Your Dog Off Leash
3. Quit Jumping Up
Removes all the frustration and embarrassment of your dog jumping up on visitors (Murf was also VERY guilty of this). Subjects include:
- Problem: Jumping Up
- Moses Jumping Up
- Jumping on Furniture
- Stop, Start & Change Direction
- The Short Line
- Isolation
- How To Stop A Dog Barking At The Door
- Hyperactivity
4. Stop Separation Anxiety
Dan’s program is one of the only methods that can solve this problem…it’s not about boredom, but all about leadership. Look out for these trainings:
- Separation Anxiety
- How To Leave Your Puppy At Home Alone
- A Short Separation And A Chew Toy
- Energy Meter
- Step By Step
- Barking When Left
- Barking Around The Property
5. Biting, Nipping & Chewing
Whether your dog is just a pup or getting long in the tooth, these techniques will solve constant mouthing and destructive chewing – it also covers off what to do if your dog does bite somebody. Here’s a sneak peak at some of the content:
- Problem: Mouthing And Biting
- Extreme Puppy Biting
- Problem: Chewing
- Stopping Mouthing
- Stopping A Puppy From Chewing The Mop
- Isolation
- Chew Toys
- A Short Separation And A Chew Toy
6. Won’t Come Or listen
Teaching your dog to return when called is a lifesaving skill, especially when out in public at the park or beach. Here’s just a few topics covered off:
- Problem: Recall
- Not Coming When Called
- Dogs Running Away From Home
- Tone Of Voice And Body Language
- When Not To Call Your Dog
- Dog Whistle Training
- Step By Step
- Some Tips For Walking Practice
7. Excessive Barking Be Gone
Reducing excessive noise with gentle, practical strategies for in the home, in the car and around the property. The list is long on this, but here’s a cut-down to give you a sense of the subjects:
- How To Stop A Dog Barking At The Door
- Barking On The Walk
- Barking For Attention
- Barking Around The Property
- Barking In The Car
- Barking When Left
- Barking At The Door
- The Calm Freeze
- Dog Aggression On The walk
8. Fearful or Hyperactive Dogs
Easing signs of stress and creating a more relaxed dog. This is a VERY popular issue, and I believe Murf is in this ‘fearful’ camp, rather than being aggressive. Here’s some of what we learned:
- Fears And Phobias
- Shouting At Your Dog
- Energy Meter
- The Calm Freeze
- Stopping A Puppy From Chewing The Mop
- [14 Weeks] Helping A Fearful Puppy
- Leaving The Car Calmly
- Dogs Running Away From Home
- Aggression Towards Objects
- Barking In The Car
- Hyperactivity
- Obsessions
9. Potty Training Troubles
Getting this right will make your young pup even more adorable, and will help older dogs get over whatever is driving them to potty in the wrong place. I wish I’d had this some of this knowledge when he was just a pup:
- Before You Bring Puppy Home
- [8 Weeks] Bringing Your New Puppy Home
- Problem: Toilet Training
- Get Off To The Right Start
- 8-Week-Old Puppy Schedules
- Potty Time Training Chart
- Problem: Submissive Urination
- Step By Step
- Moses Meets The Family
10. New Puppy Nightmares
It’s not easy bringing home a new puppy, and this program has it all…Dan makes a huge effort to leave no stone unturned, giving you full confidence to raise the perfect pup:
- Isolation
- 8-Week-Old Puppy Schedules
- Meeting Other Dogs
- Problem: Toilet Training
- Puppies Crying At Night
- Chew Toys
- A Short Separation And A Chew Toy
- Training Your Puppy On The Leash
With these modules, Dan uses real-world examples that help address challenges that many dog and puppy owners face, such as biting, pulling, and even the difficulty of training a stubborn breed like my German Shepherd. I particularly appreciated the “Recall Training” section, as it was invaluable for building Murf’s confidence off-leash.
Community Forum & Personalized Support

Doggy Dan’s live support on The Online Dog Trainer forums
One of the standout features of The Online Dog Trainer is the Community Forum—a lively space where members come together to share advice, ask questions, and celebrate their training victories.
There’s a team of Certified Trainers who are available around the clock (likely spanning different time zones), and even Doggy Dan himself jumps in regularly to offer personalized guidance on specific issues members may be tackling.
Here’s what makes this community so valuable:
- Expert Guidance – You get direct feedback from Doggy Dan and a team of skilled trainers who provide practical, targeted advice.
- Community Support – It’s a friendly, uplifting environment where you can share your own progress and learn from others.
- Fresh Content – New training modules and insights are added frequently, often inspired by member feedback and real-life training scenarios.
For me, having access to this kind of community was incredibly motivating. Knowing I could reach out for advice or celebrate Murf’s progress with others gave me the confidence to keep going, and it’s made the whole training journey even more rewarding.
How Much Does Doggy Dan’s Training Cost?

Doggy Dan’s FREE solve reactivity webinar
Short answer: You can get started for FREE.
Longer answer: You know my story…I spent over $4K on professional dog trainers with Murf. One of them came to my house, and the other two made me drive to them for multiple sessions. So you could add gas mileage to that too.
I knew live training was expensive at $350 PER HOUR!! But I was convinced it would work. And Murf deserved it. Only to be terribly disappointed with the results. I was heartbroken, and worse, I was under time pressure to get it solved.
I was sick to my stomach thinking I would have to try ANOTHER trainer, or get rid of Murf, so when I saw Doggy Dan’s training was FREE, I knew I had to check it out.
I’m so glad I did.
To be honest, I never dreamed that a free dog training session online would make any difference whatsoever. But I was more positively surprised, even delighted with the results.
Dan’s webinar on Solving Reactivity was 100% FREE, and covered EVERYTHING to do with the 5 rules of the Dog Calming Code. This is the same training that Doggy Dan does when he visits his high-paying clients. And it’s the SAME TRAINING that’s been successfully implemented by over 100,000 dogs. There is absolutely no doubt that this works.
Taking it further: You can choose whether you take the program further, and buy one of Dan’s program’s, but having done the free and the paid, I encourage you to at least get started with the free training…
Your dog has been asking for this training. To finally be understood. To finally relax, and de-stress, and stop over-protecting you.
All of this is completely FREE. Once you click this link: GRAB YOUR FREE ACCESS NOW, you’ll be directed to Doggy Dan’s webinar page to register your contact info and book your time slot.
Before we conclude, let me show you what Doggy Dan’s free webinar attendees are saying.
Is Doggy Dan The Real Deal? A Review Of His Dog Training Qualifications And Experience
A lot of people focus on a trainer’s certifications, but as I dug into it, I realized that qualifications alone don’t necessarily guarantee results. For one, certifications vary widely—what’s considered credible in one place might be irrelevant in another. Different states, counties, and countries have their own standards, and in the end, these acronyms don’t mean much to an everyday dog owner like me.
So, what qualifications should you look for before considering a trainer’s track record, checking their social media, or reading testimonials? In my opinion, the real proof lies in the results. As my father used to say, “The proof is in the pudding.” And in dog training, the “pudding” is the actual behavior change in dogs—not just someone’s opinion of a trainer’s credentials.
On The Online Dog Trainer review page, it’s stated that over 100,000 dog owners have used Doggy Dan’s approach. That sounded like a stretch until I joined the program myself and saw the community firsthand.
Inside the forum, there are more than 100,000 members, all sharing insights and posting THOUSANDS of questions. It’s a huge network of dog owners discussing their experiences and progress using Dan’s methods.

Proof that Doggy Dan’s methods work – for over 100,000 dog owners!
Seeing this community was a real eye-opener, showing me just how many people had found success with Dan’s methods. How many other trainers can say they’ve helped over 100,000 dogs? And I’d recommend checking out his testimonials, too, to see more stories of people who have overcome serious challenges with their dogs.
There are countless stories of dogs saved from euthanasia, rehoming, or returning to shelters—all thanks to Dan’s methods, which have spared many people from a world of stress and frustration.
If you still want to know about Doggy Dan’s formal training, here’s a list of his qualifications and experience directly from his website. I cannot verify all of them, but from the other sites I Googled, I can confirm most of it.
Doggy Dan’s Qualifications and Training Experience
- Certified dog trainer since 2009 in the ‘Amichien® Bonding’ method by Jan Fennell—inspired by Monty Roberts’ “horse whispering” techniques
- Certified Tellington Ttouch practitioner using Linda Tellington-Jones’ approach
- Certified Theta Healer Practitioner for animals
- Worked with over 3,500 dogs globally, including the UK, America, NZ, and Pacific Islands
- Worked at K9 Heaven Doggy Day Care caring for 100 dogs daily, testing various approaches
- Studied various methods including Positive-only and Correction-based training from Ian Dunbar and Cesar Millan, before perfecting his own approach
- Studied under renowned trainers such as Brenda Aloff, Roger Abrantes, Patricia McConnell, and more—Dan believes in loving leadership and minimal force in dog training, and in transforming humans to connect better with dogs
- Online dog training programs helped over 100,000 dog owners with behavioral issues
- Published author by Random House/Penguin book publishers
- Featured in TV shows, magazines, podcasts, and published a bestselling book
- Creator of the Dog Trainer Academy: Trained over 250 professional dog trainers in 7 continents using his approach to educate owners and train dogs…
- Read more about Doggy Dan here
The Online Dog Trainer Review Final Thoughts: My Experience with Murf
Murf, my energetic German Shepherd, used to be a handful. His reactivity was a constant source of stress, making walks and social interactions a nightmare. We’d tried various training methods, but nothing seemed to work.
Then, I stumbled upon Doggy Dan’s online training program. I was initially skeptical, but as I delved into his teachings, I realized this could be a game-changer. His focus on understanding canine psychology and gentle, positive reinforcement resonated with me.
By implementing his techniques, I witnessed a remarkable transformation in Murf’s behavior:
- He became more obedient
- Less reactive
- Much more enjoyable to be around.
The program’s emphasis on building trust and clear communication has strengthened our bond.
If you’re struggling with a reactive or unruly dog, I wholeheartedly recommend Doggy Dan’s online training program. It’s a comprehensive, flexible, and effective tool that can help you achieve a harmonious relationship with your furry friend.
— Guest Review Post by Madelene Fisher (and Murf)
Does Doggy Dan Follow Gentle Yet Effective Training Methods?
Absolutely. Doggy Dan’s method has been proven effective with over 100,000 dogs, and it’s all about using kind, non-invasive techniques. There’s no force, fear, dominance, shouting, sprays, water blasts, or any of the harmful tools like prong or shock collars. His approach is based entirely on Loving Leadership.
Before diving into specific behavior issues, Doggy Dan always emphasizes the importance of establishing a leadership role with compassion.
Dogs are pack animals by nature, and they naturally look to a leader. Many owners assume that simply being the “owner” puts them in charge. However, it takes a bit more intention and action to truly earn a dog’s trust as a leader.
Doggy Dan’s Dog Calming Code™️ is designed to guide owners in becoming that trusted leader through understanding dog psychology. What makes his approach unique is that it fosters leadership without any form of dominance or force—just calm, gentle methods that naturally gain a dog’s respect.
Is Doggy Dan Qualified Enough?
When I first considered training my dog, Murf, I assumed certifications would be a clear indicator of quality. But as I researched, I realized credentials don’t always equate to results—standards vary, and everyday dog owners like me care more about real change.
Doggy Dan’s methods have been used by over 100,000 dog owners, and the results speak for themselves. His approach has saved countless dogs from rehoming or euthanasia, and his community of members shares success stories and support, showing his program truly works.
For those still curious, Dan has certifications in Amichien® Bonding, Tellington TTouch, and Theta Healing for animals, and has trained over 3,500 dogs worldwide. He’s also a published author, creator of the Dog Trainer Academy, and experienced dog care provider, bringing a wealth of experience to his unique and compassionate training method.
Does Doggy Dan’s The Online Dog Trainer Work?
Doggy Dan’s online training program transformed my German Shepherd, Murf, from reactive and difficult to obedient and enjoyable. After trying other methods that didn’t work, I was skeptical but quickly saw the impact of Dan’s gentle approach, which focuses on canine psychology and positive reinforcement.
His techniques improved Murf’s behavior and deepened our bond, making daily life so much easier. If you’re facing challenges with a reactive dog, I highly recommend Doggy Dan’s program as a flexible, effective path to a better relationship with your pet.