Bex a Rotty with Cloth Ears!
Nipping on the bed, didn’t listen
Hello Dan,
Bex and I are both a lot better behaved! Being the pack leader is such a powerful tool.
My aunty came round the other day who hadn’t seen Bex since before our consultation and she was shocked at how much Bex had improved. She has even toned down her obsession with shadows and she responds really well to the calming technique you showed me.
I find it funny how before she would almost never listen to me and now she almost hangs off my every word and action. She also seems a lot less stressed with having some one else in charge. Your online dog training video support site is instrumental in helping the changes.
Her nipping on the bed has completely stopped. That was one of the first and most notable changes. My bed used to be a battleground now Bex politely waits for me to invite her up with “up ya get”. If I dont say it she will usually find a spot on the ground to lie on!
I can not thank you enough Dan!