Discover the secret to becoming your dog’s greatest mentor and take your relationship to the next level

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Looking for help with your Dog or Puppy?

Hi I’m Doggy Dan,

“Hi I’m Doggy Dan, From the TV series Dog Almighty.

As one of Auckland’s leading dog trainers for over 15 years I have come to realise that “Inside every dog is a good dog and inside every good dog is a great dog” and that includes yours!

And of course the same applies for puppies too!
When we come from a place of wanting to understand our dogs and connect with them rather than simply force them to change anything is possible… In fact I’m a big believer that the greatest trainers don’t rely on treats and don’t need to use force because they understand how to connect with the dog so that the dog CHOOSES to listen and follow.

So this approach is more about me sharing my knowledge with YOU than actually training your dog for you. That’s right, I believe in an approach that gives the power back to YOU…

The method I use sets you up for success long term because you’ll understand what’s going on with your dog or puppy. It allows you to build that healthy relationship with them rather than relying on somebody else to constantly train them back into shape.”

A kind and gentle approach

My life plan is to help change the world of dog training and make it a better place for all dogs. To help people see that there is another way to change their dog’s behaviour that is gentle and kind.

I use the simplest, gentlest and most natural methods
to encourage your dog to change their behaviour.

I never use shock collars, and never use fear based methods to scare your dog or puppy. What I do share with you is the tools, techniques and understanding based on over a decade of training dogs to stop any unwanted behaviour with your dog or puppy…

And help you develop the best possible relationship with them, that will stand the test of time.

A permanent dog and
puppy training solution…
not a band aid

This is a method that eliminates unwanted behaviour through treating the cause of the problem, not just the symptom.

I will show you the mind games that every dog is playing, the rules of the game according to your dog and most importantly how to win the game! Once we have done this and won your dog’s mind then we are able to train your dog’s body and change their behaviour.

When you understand what signals you have been sending your dog you will realise why they have been behaving the way they have! Watching your dogs change when we communicate to them using their own non verbal language is a wonderful experience.

As we work together your dog will respond in a way you have never seen before. As a dog trainer I will show you how to calmly establish yourself as the leader by giving your dog the signals they understand. Then once you are a worthy leader in the eyes of your dog we will be in a position to start changing their behaviour.

Does it feel like your dogs
playing a game?

That is because every dog is playing a game of “Who’s
in charge?”

This is a game where all the dogs and puppies are born
to play. They have a clear set of rules that they all know
inside out and the problem is that we humans don’t
know the rules… so it’s very hard to win!

It’s time to put an end to that barking, biting, jumping,
stress and pulling

We shall remove the stress that so often accompanies
behavioural problems with your dog or puppy and
begin to provide the life they deserve by using clear
instructions and signals that your dog understands.

When it comes to dog training the best form of control
is your dog’s own self-control.

With more respect from your dog you will notice a
change in their attitude from a power struggle to one of

Whether you are trying to eliminate unwanted
behaviour or training a new command you will feel like
you are now on the same team!

The Two Training Options I offer...

Option 1

1 on 1 Consultation

where you bring your dog or puppy here to my
home in Muriwai and we work together.

I am currently out of the country and unavailable for 1-on-1 consultations.

However, you can still access the same proven training methods I use by joining The Online Dog Trainer platform. Inside, you’ll find step-by-step guidance to help you train your dog just as if we were working together in person.

Temporary Unavailable

Option 2

Online Training

through my highly successful online training
program called The Online Dog Trainer

This online program was one of the very first online dog training programs in the world and has helped over 90,000 dog and puppy owners over the past decade.

It’s been tried and tested and has many thousands of reviews because it works… Your train your dog from the comfort of your home!

Start Online Training Program


1 on 1 Consultation
at my Property

If you are happy to invest a bit more then you are welcome to visit me here with your dog or puppy at my 3.5 acre property in Muriwai on the west coast of Auckland.

During a consultation we can create a solution that will be tailored to:

  1. You, your learning style and how you interact with your dog or puppy
  2. Your unique goals and desires of what you wish to achieve with your dog
  3. Your dog or puppies personality and character, since every one is different!

These 1 on 1 consultations last 2 hours and are an incredibly effective way to kick start your training if you want to make big changes fast.

During this consultation we focus on the sharing and transfer of knowledge rather than simply just me training your dog. This means that your dog will continue to get better after you leave because you will have the power and knowledge of what to do!

At my property I can also bring my 2 dogs out to help with the consultation if it’s appropriate.

You also receive 12 months FREE access to my online dog training program, The Online Dog TrainerOngoing This includes immediate support to any questions you may have that can be answered by my team of highly skilled trainers online.

If you feel you have a specific or pressing question that you need to discuss with me I am happy to help out too. If you have a second dog in the same household that is needing help too then you are welcome to bring them for no extra charge.

Whilst I enjoy getting children involved in the learning process I do not recommend they attend as in my experience they tend to distract and prevent you from focussing fully on the consultation. My goal is for you to get the most out of this session.

As I have a family I am only available during the working week Monday to Friday.

The cost is $600 inc GST. Payment in advance.

This option is suitable for people who want a fully tailored solution and wish to benefit from the vast experience I’ve gained from working with close to 3500 clients and their dogs.

Temporary Unavailable


The Online
Dog Trainer

If you have complicated dog problems or you have a new puppy and want to get it right first time The Online Dog Trainer could be perfect for you.

Used by over 90,000 people over the last decade, it has proven the test of time and so I know it works.

If you have a new puppy I especially recommend you check out this program as it is perfect for the raising of a puppy with their ever changing needs and issues!

In fact the online training program includes a complete video diary of me raising my puppy ‘Moses’ from 8 weeks old through to adulthood that has been described by many people as ‘invaluable…’

And if you have dog problems then using this simple step by step process you can watch videos of me sharing the exact same method as I would in a 1 on 1 consultation.

The program has been carefully set up so that you discover how to put the basic structure in place that is the key to success before focussing on your dog or puppies specific issues.

The Online Dog Trainer is my own website and the videos are all of me so the message is consistent and the training approach is exactly the same as if we were in person9

There are many benefits
of using The Online Training Program:

  1. You get to watch it whenever you want to at times that suit you.
  2. If you need to rewatch and recap anything as many times as you like, it’s there at your finger tips.
  3. You don’t have to take in all the training in one go, you can absorb the information slowly as suits you.
  4. Many of the videos are highlights from dog consultations that capture and demonstrate the point in case perfectly.
  5. You’re able to show your partner or spouse or other family members and get them on board too.
  6. You can stay a member for as long or as short a time period as works for you.
  7. Exceptional value for money.
  8. I’ve included all my training programs so you get access to everything including the puppy training, dog problems and the Dog Calming Code TM.

This video based training allows you to train your puppy without the hassle of expensive lessons and lots of evenings out the house.

And the great thing about this training program is that it has stood the test of time for close to a decade now and so I know it works!

Of course you have to be happy to work through things on your own pace…

Start Online Training Program

A Little Bit of Love From Thankful Dog Owners...

Robyn Kippenberger

Former National Chief Executive for the Royal New Zealand SPCA

A fantastic basis for training your dog

We are been blessed to have discovered Doggy Dan and his kind and gentle methods to assist us in Saving Lives of our SPCA dogs.

Many of the dogs that come to us have behavioural problems that we need to deal with before we can safely place them in a ‘forever home’. Both SPCA staff and potential new families benefit from Dan’s simple method – a fantastic basis for living with and training your dog.

– because dog aggression or just ‘naughtiness’ can mean the difference between life and death for a stray Robyn Kippenberger SPCA.jpgor an unwanted dog. Passing on this method to the dog’s new home can also mean the difference between a happy homing or the dog being returned to us.

“I fully recommend Doggy Dan and this method”

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What the Dogs Taught me About Being a Parent

For an audio version of my book, click here